Colds |
Our children often catch colds ; You can aid their breathing by creating steam in their bedroom so that their bronchial tubes may respire better : to create steam just plug the kettle in their room and let it boil, but take care of security problems, watch your child with the kettle! Or use a humidifier. Vaporize some essential oils. Do think about homoeopathic treatment throughout Autumn and Winter, with trace-elements. Learn from the physiotherapist how to do 'clapping' on your child to disengage the bronchial tubes.
feet |
For children with flatfeet : often it can be cured easily but the treatment may take a while ; let your child walk bare foot as long as possible : at home of course, but in the sand too ; this will help his feet' muscles to develop ; you can tickle the underside of his feet ; you could change his shoes around : the left shoe on the right foot and visa versa. This is not harmful and it is a very efficient way to push the feet to the outside and to stimulate the muscles.
tongue |
From the first year, give your child's tongue a little flick with your fingers so that he pulls his tongue back into his mouth. From his first babbles, play games with him making him repeat noises you make with your mouth and tongue.
sight |
Survey his sight : if you see you child making funny faces, knitting his brows, have his vision checked.
taking little things |
Make him play with little spinning tops, pick up small items (even corn-flakes off the table), pick up pieces of the solitaire game, small stones in the garden or on the beach, etc...
turning and moving |
From birth, place your child on the floor with no hindrances (on a blanket) ; from 4/5 months, on his back, place one of his arm above his head and make him roll onto his tummy : he will understand very quickly that he can do this on his own. Later, move his limbs as if he were crawling so that he can pick up a toy that is out of his reach : he will understand that too.
reading |
You can teach him to read at a very early age: 2 1/2 - 3. ; you can find books on methods to follow easily, ask your local special school or contact the Down's Syndrome Association.
teeth |
Around the age of 8-10, make an appointment with your dentist and have your child's jaw X rayed to find out whether his adult teeth are there. Our children often have small groups of teeth in one area and none at all in another area ; it is sometimes necessary to pull out some of the baby teeth to make space for these grouped adult teeth.
noises |
From birth, it is important for him to hear all kind of different noises (musical toys, music, etc...) Talk to him continually, tell him everything you are doing, read him stories, etc...
psychology |
It will be very difficult to explain his DS to him IF you have not told him naturally from birth. So I advice you to tell him even if you think he does not understand (which has never been proved !). Every time you are sad, every time he cannot easily succeed in doing something, every time he realize other children can do things better or faster, etc... tell him about his DS in words he can understand. It should not come as bad news when he is adult. You must be firm with your child because he will understand very quickly that he can play on his disability. If you want him to be accepted in society, you must teach him the rules and boundaries without weakening.
For the girls : |
It is good to know that early menopause can be expected, often around 40 years old. There are not necessarily any symptoms other than a more or less abrupt cessation of menstruation.
books |
English books There are many books on raising a child with Downs's syndrome, covering all stages. The Down's Syndrome Association have a very expansive rang available.
Remember that your child is, above all else, JUST A CHILD, with a disability, yes, but a child nevertheless ! |
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